package main import ( "fmt" tc "" tv "" ) func main() { settings := parameters{ debug: true, sshGame: false, } // SETUP: var playerOne = player{name: "P1"} var playerTwo = player{name: "P2"} // Setting up prey for when using Hit function playerOne.InitBoard(&playerTwo) playerTwo.InitBoard(&playerOne) formApp := tv.NewApplication() form := tv.NewForm(). AddInputField("Player 1 name:",, 30, nil, func(text string) { = text }). AddInputField("Player 2 name:",, 30, nil, func(text string) { = text }). AddButton("Start", func() { formApp.Stop() }). AddButton("Quit", func() { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { playerOne.gains[i] = true playerTwo.gains[i] = true } formApp.Stop() }) if err := formApp.SetRoot(form, true).Run(); err != nil { panic(err) } if settings.debug { // PLACING PLAYER ONE BOATS: // Carrier: (ID=0), horizontal, (1,1) playerOne.InitBoat(0, horizontal, 1, 1) // Battleship: (ID=1), horizontal, (0,9) playerOne.InitBoat(1, horizontal, 0, 9) // Destroyer: (ID=2), vertical, (5,6) playerOne.InitBoat(2, vertical, 5, 6) // Submarine: (ID=3), horizontal, (6,2) playerOne.InitBoat(3, horizontal, 6, 2) // Patrol Boat: (ID=4), vertical, (1,5) playerOne.InitBoat(4, vertical, 1, 5) // PLACING PLAYER TWO BOATS: // Carrier: (ID=0), vertical, (9,0) playerTwo.InitBoat(0, vertical, 9, 0) // Battleship: (ID=1), horizontal, (1,8) playerTwo.InitBoat(1, horizontal, 1, 8) // Destroyer: (ID=2), vertical, (5,3) playerTwo.InitBoat(2, vertical, 5, 3) // Submarine: (ID=3), horizontal, (2,2) playerTwo.InitBoat(3, horizontal, 2, 2) // Patrol Boat: (ID=4), vertical, (7,6) playerTwo.InitBoat(4, vertical, 6, 6) // HITTING PLAYER ONE AT DIFFERENT COORDINATES playerTwo.Hit(5, 6) // (F,6) playerTwo.Hit(5, 7) // (F,7) playerTwo.Hit(5, 8) // (F,8) playerTwo.Hit(3, 4) // (D,4) playerTwo.Hit(3, 9) // (D,9) playerTwo.Hit(6, 6) // (G,6) playerTwo.Hit(2, 9) // (C,9) // HITTING PLAYER TWO AT DIFFERENT COORDINATES playerOne.Hit(1, 4) // (B,4) playerOne.Hit(1, 8) // (B,8) playerOne.Hit(2, 7) // (C,7) playerOne.Hit(2, 8) // (C,8) playerOne.Hit(3, 8) // (D,8) playerOne.Hit(4, 8) // (E,8) playerOne.Hit(9, 2) // (I,2) // // Display both primary boards in stdout // fmt.Println("Player One (vue de ses propres pièces):", playerOne.DisplayPrimary()) // fmt.Println("Player Two (vue de ses propres pièces):", playerTwo.DisplayPrimary()) // fmt.Println("Player One (vue des pièces de son ennemi):", playerOne.DisplayTarget()) // fmt.Println("Player Two (vue des pièces de son ennemi):", playerTwo.DisplayTarget()) } /* TVIEW UI SETUP: ┌------------------------------------------------------┐ |dashboard | |┌----------------------------------------------------┐| ||headerBox || |└----------------------------------------------------┘| |┌----------------------------------------------------┐| ||bottomFlex || ||┌-------------------┐ ┌----------------------------┐|| ||| infoFlex | | playFlex ||| |||┌-----------------┐| |┌--------------------------┐||| |||| keybindingsBox || || targetFlex |||| |||| || ||┌------------------------┐|||| |||| || ||| targetBox | gainsBox ||||| |||| || ||| | ||||| |||| || ||| | ||||| |||| || ||└------------------------┘|||| |||| || |└--------------------------┘||| |||| || |┌--------------------------┐||| |||└-----------------┘| || primaryFlex |||| |||┌-----------------┐| ||┌------------------------┐|||| |||| logBox || ||| primaryBox | lossesBox ||||| |||| || ||| | ||||| |||| || ||| | ||||| |||| || ||└------------------------┘|||| |||└-----------------┘| |└--------------------------┘||| ||└-------------------┘ └----------------------------┘|| |└----------------------------------------------------┘| └------------------------------------------------------┘ DASHBOARD: flex structure containing everything. - Direction: rows BOTTOMFLEX: flex structure containing everything but the headerBox - Direction: columns INFOFLEX: flex structure containing general info related boxes: - keybindingsBox - logBox - Direction: rows PLAYFLEX: flex structure containing everything related to playing the game: - targetFlex - primaryFlex - Direction: rows TARGETFLEX: flex structure containing everything the player knows about his target: - targetBox - gainsBox - Direction: columns PRIMARYFLEX: flex structure containing everything the player knows about himself: - primaryBox - lossesBox - Direction: columns */ currentPlayer := &playerTwo var log string = "Game Started!" // Until Somedody Wins: for winner := currentPlayer; winner.gains != [5]bool{true, true, true, true, true}; { // Make the loop toggle between both players if currentPlayer == &playerTwo { currentPlayer = &playerOne } else { currentPlayer = &playerTwo } // Initializing the application app := tv.NewApplication() // HEADERBOX: // box which displays in it's title the current player. headerBox := tv.NewBox().SetTitle( SetBorder(true) // KEYBINDINGSBOX: // simple box containing a list of all the keybindings one can use. keybindingsBox := tv.NewTextView() fmt.Fprintf(keybindingsBox, keybindings) keybindingsBox.SetTitle("Keybindings:"). SetBorder(true) // LOGBOX: // box which shows a log of the past moves each player made. logBox := tv.NewTextView() fmt.Fprintln(logBox, log) logBox.SetTitle("Log:"). SetBorder(true) // TARGETBOX: // box containing the board where the player attacks his opponent // this box is focused by default and is of type table as it can be navigated. targetBox := tv.NewTable() RedrawTarget(currentPlayer, targetBox) targetBox.SetFixed(1, 1). SetSelectable(true, true). SetSelectedFunc(func(row, column int) { // Hit the target at the chosen coordinate fmt.Fprintf(logBox, log) currentPlayer.Hit(column-1, row-1) // The coordinate where the player is hitting will no longer be selectable targetBox.SetSelectable(false, false) logEntry := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %c%v\n",, letters[column-1], row-1) log = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", logEntry, log) RedrawTarget(currentPlayer, targetBox) app.Stop() }). SetDoneFunc(func(key tc.Key) { if key == tc.KeyEscape { // TODO: change this for a dopdown prompt "Are you sure? (Y/N)" for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { currentPlayer.prey.gains[i] = true currentPlayer.gains[i] = true } app.Stop() } }). SetBorder(true). SetTitle("The enemy:") // PRIMARYBOX: // box containing the board showing the players boat layout. primaryBox := tv.NewTable() RedrawPrimary(currentPlayer, primaryBox) primaryBox.SetFixed(1, 1). SetBorder(true). SetTitle("You:") // GAINSBOX: // box showing the names of all the ennemies boats which are sunk. // each sunk boat has a small display of the boat going with it. gainsBox := tv.NewTextView() RedrawGains(currentPlayer, gainsBox) gainsBox.SetBorder(true). SetTitle("Gains:") // LOSSESBOX: // box showing the names of all the players boats which are sunk. // each sunk boat has a small display of the boat going with it. lossesBox := tv.NewTextView() RedrawLosses(currentPlayer, lossesBox) lossesBox.SetBorder(true). SetTitle("Losses:") // COMMANDBOX: // box containing an input field which is to be used as a command prompt. // coordinates can be inputed directly and typing quit will exit the game. commandBox := tv.NewInputField(). SetBorder(true). SetTitle("Command:") // Setting up the flexbox hell! targetFlex := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexColumn). AddItem(targetBox, 26, 0, true). AddItem(gainsBox, 26, 0, false) primaryFlex := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexColumn). AddItem(primaryBox, 26, 0, false). AddItem(lossesBox, 26, 0, false) playFlex := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexRow). AddItem(targetFlex, 13, 0, true). AddItem(primaryFlex, 13, 0, false). AddItem(commandBox, 0, 1, false) infoFlex := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexRow). AddItem(keybindingsBox, 0, 3, false). AddItem(logBox, 0, 1, false) bottomFlex := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexColumn). AddItem(infoFlex, 0, 1, false). AddItem(playFlex, 52, 0, true) dashboard := tv.NewFlex().SetDirection(tv.FlexRow). AddItem(headerBox, 2, 1, false). AddItem(bottomFlex, 0, 1, true) if err := app.SetRoot(dashboard, true).Run(); err != nil { panic(err) } waitScreen := tv.NewApplication() waitText := tv.NewTextView().SetDoneFunc(func(key tc.Key) { if key == tc.KeyEnter { waitScreen.Stop() } if key == tc.KeyEscape { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { playerOne.gains[i] = true playerTwo.gains[i] = true waitScreen.Stop() } } }) fmt.Fprint(waitText, "Waiting for:\n", figletWrite(, "\nPress Enter to continue...") if winner.gains != [5]bool{true, true, true, true, true} { if err := waitScreen.SetRoot(waitText, true).Run(); err != nil { panic(err) } else if (winner.gains == [5]bool{true, true, true, true, true}) && (winner.prey.gains != [5]bool{true, true, true, true, true}) { waitText.Clear() fmt.Fprint(waitText, figletWrite(, "\n", figletWrite("is the winner!")) } } } }