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%}}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % Macros{{{ % %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% %-Better-titling-with-logo-&-date--------------| \renewcommand{\maketitle}{ % \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} % \Huge{\textbf{\theauthor}}\\ % \small{Computer engineering student} % \tiny{\thetitle}\\ % % \scriptsize{Dernière mise à jour: \today} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{0.2\textwidth} % \includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{BC.png} % \end{minipage} % } % %----------------------------------------------| %-Entry-command-------------------------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Sujet/Diplôme % % [3]: École/Institution % % [4]: Détails et informations % \newcommand{\entry}[4]{ % \normalsize{\textsc{#1}\textbf{:} % \textsc{#2}} % \textit{\textsc{#3}} \\ % \begin{minipage}[t]{1.2cm} % \ % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}[t]{0.7\textwidth} % \small{\textsc{#4}} % \end{minipage} % } % %---------------------------------------| %-Slim-version-of-the-Entry-command---------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Poste occupe % % [3]: Heures par semaine % % [4]: Adresse % % [5]: Téléphone % \newcommand{\slimentry}[5]{ % \begin{minipage}[t]{4.4cm} % \begin{flushright} % \small\textsc{#1} \\ % \footnotesize\textsc{#3} \\ % \end{flushright} % \end{minipage} % \hfill\vline\hfill % \begin{minipage}[t]{.72\textwidth} % \textsc{#2} \\ % \textsc{#4} \\ \textsc{#5} % \end{minipage} % \vspace{.4cm} % } % %-------------------------------------------| %-Slim-version-of-the-Entry-command---------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Poste occupe % % [3]: Heures par semaine % % [4]: Adresse % \newcommand{\jobentry}[4]{ % \begin{minipage}[t]{4.3cm} % \begin{flushright} % \small\textsc{#1} \\ % \footnotesize\textsc{#3} \\ % \end{flushright} % \end{minipage} % \hfill\vline\hfill % \begin{minipage}[t]{.71\textwidth} % \textsc{#2} \\ % % \textrm{\footnotesize#4} \\ \textsc{} % \textrm{\footnotesize#4} \\ % 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%}}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % Document {{{ % %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% \begin{document} %-TITLE---------------------------------------------------------------------- \maketitle %-BASIC-INFO--------------------------------------------------------------{{{ % \section{Information générales} \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\linewidth} \begin{tabular}{rp{.75\linewidth}} \baselineskip=20pt \faLocationArrow: & \adressOne \\ \faicon{at}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{mailto:\email}{\email}} \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\linewidth} \begin{tabular}{rl} \faicon{phone}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{tel:\phone}{\phone}} \\ % \faicon{github} : & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{http://github.com/ChausseBenjamin}{github.com/ChausseBenjamin}}\\ \faicon{globe}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{https://\website}{\website}} \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \vspace{.3cm} % }}} %-EDUCATION---------------------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Education} \entry{2022 --- 2027}{\textbf{Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering}}{Sherbrooke University}{ } \entry{2021 --- 2021}{ \textbf{Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering}}{ Sherbrooke University}{ 15 credits (Career change) } \entry{2018 --- 2021}{ \textbf{Pure and Applied Sciences}}{ Cégep de Lanaudière à l'Assomption}{} % \entry{2012 --- 2017}{ % \textbf{DES-SN} --- High School Diploma}{ % Collège de l'Assomption}{ % Specialization in natural sciences and Enriched English % } % }}} %-IMPLICATIONS SOCIALES---------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Social Implication} \jobentry{Sept. 2017 --- Feb. 2018} {Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine and Nepal with Youth With A Mission} { \begin{otherlanguage*}{russian} улица Весенняя, 18-a Naberezhna St, 4, Kyiv, Ukraine \end{otherlanguage*} }{ Provided moral support to families in remote areas, engaged in activities with youth facing difficult circumstances, assisted young children with their homework, painted \& decorated schools in poor condition. } % }}} %-PARCOURS PROFESSIONEL---------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Professional Experience} \vspace{0.2cm} \jobentry{May 2024 --- August 2024} {Microservices \& API Development at GoTo Inc.} {1080 Beaver Hall Hl \#1101, Montreal}{ Migration of an internal API from REST to GraphQL, adding data mutation capabilities and security using OAuth, deployed with Kubernetes. Creation of an automated integration test suite and code coverage visualization based on these tests. Development of a data aggregation warehouse and visualization using Timescale, Go, and Grafana to better identify platform shortcomings and improvement opportunities. } \jobentry{Aug. 2023 --- Dec. 2023} {Viability Study, prototyping of a VDI at Sherbrooke University} {2500 Boulevard de l'Université, Sherbrooke}{ Development of an automated benchmarking tool using Python for comparing the perfor- mance of a virtualized desktop infrastructure (VDI) to the current physical infrastructure. Study of different existing solutions (Proxmox, VMware Horizon, Azure) and their viability as a replacement for the current computer science labs. Development of an automated image deployment for student exams and studies by interfacing current databases with a VDI API using a scheduler written with Quarkus in Java. } \jobentry{ Jun. 2022 --- Aug. 2022} {Computer repairs at \textit{Mr. Robot}} {444 Rue King E, Sherbrooke}{ Problem diagnosis, hardware repair, soldering, software installation, parts ordering and customer service on macBooks, iMacs, Tower PCs, laptops \& phones. } \jobentry{Feb. 2020 --- Aug. 2021} {Beer, Fish, and Grocery Clerk at \textit{Metro Marquis}} {790 Montée de St Sulpice, L'Assomption}{ Provided recommendations to customers based on their preferences and needs, managed inventory, prepared meals \& stored received products. } \jobentry{Jun. 2019 --- Feb. 2020} {Packer and Manufacturing Assistant at \textit{IPEX Inc.}} {905 rue 344, L'Assomption}{ Operated a forklift for storage of finished products, packaged products, and assisted with quality control. } \jobentry{Mar. 2018 --- May 2019} {Fish Clerk at \textit{Metro Marquis}} {790 Montée de St Sulpice, L'Assomption}{ Customer service, dish preparation, and stock management and in-depth cleaning of the premises. } \jobentry{Summer 2017} {Factory Reorganization Assistant at \textit{Triotech, Creators of Fun}} {780 Rue Marion, Joliette}{ Constructed, painted, and stained furniture, crimped \& installed Ethernet cables, and assisted with the relocation of departments. } % \jobentry{Été 2017} % {Caissier au \textit{Resto le l'Assom}} % {339 Blv. l'Ange-Gardien, L'Assomption}{ % Prise de commande de clients et préparation de mets de restauration rapide. % } % }}} %-COMPÉTENCES PARTICULIÈRES----------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Special Skills} \subsubsection{Languages:} French (native), English (fluent bilingual), Spanish (proficient) \subsubsection{Programming Languages:} C, C++, Python, Shell, Go, R, Java, Javascript, PostgreSQL \subsubsection{Operating Systems and Others:} Linux, macOS, Windows, \LaTeX, Markdown, Html, Css, Git, Docker % }}} %-PROJETS PERSONNELS------------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Projects} \subsubsection{Task Visualization Tool} Created a plugin programmed in CoffeeScript and Python3, utilizing the Todoist API to visualize tasks on a computer desktop. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{\textit{Guitar Hero} Clone} Reimplemented the game \textit{Guitar Hero} in C++ using the QT library, employing a remote controller designed with an ArduinoMega microcontroller. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{Markdown to GROFF Conversion Script} Developed a Shell script using \textit{sed} to convert Markdown files to GROFF, enabling orders of magnitude faster live PDF compilation compared to \textit{pandoc}. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{Contribution to Existing Open-Source Projects} \begin{itemize} \footnotesize \item Implemented keybindings to alter task priorities, added a priority-based color highlighting system to the \textit{todoist.nvim} plugin for the \textit{Neovim} text editor \& ported the documentation \textit{Neovim}’s native format. \\ \url{https://github.com/romgrk/todoist.nvim} \item Added contents to the Dungeons \& Dragons Character Sheet generator \textit{dungeonsheets} (python3). \\ \url{https://github.com/canismarko/dungeon-sheets/pull/151} \item Added my own keyboard layout named \textit{bliss} to the \textit{qmk\_firmware} project (C). \\ \url{https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/hotdox/keymaps/bliss} \item Contributed my own mainmon patch to the dwm window manager (C) to hide information from public facing monitors. \\ \url{https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/mainmon/} \item Contributed my own vertile patch to the dwl window manager (C) to enable vertical tiling (it is a reimplementation of dwms bottomstack patch for wayland). \\ \url{https://github.com/djpohly/dwl/wiki/vertile} \end{itemize} \vspace{0.2cm} %}}} %-PASSIONS ET LOISIRS-----------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Passions and Hobbies} \subsubsection{Music} Piano, Synthesizer, Trombone, Singing, Composition \subsubsection{Rock Climbing} Indoor bouldering, Outdoor top-rope climbing \subsubsection{Technology} Configuration of a gentoo homelab, PC assembly, Basic soldering % }}} \end{document} % }}}