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%}}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % Macros{{{ % %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% %-Better-titling-with-logo-&-date--------------| \renewcommand{\maketitle}{ % \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} % \Huge{\textbf{\theauthor}}\\ % \small{Computer engineering student} % \tiny{\thetitle}\\ % % \scriptsize{Dernière mise à jour: \today} % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}{0.2\textwidth} % \includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{BC.png} % \end{minipage} % } % %----------------------------------------------| %-Entry-command-------------------------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Sujet/Diplôme % % [3]: École/Institution % % [4]: Détails et informations % \newcommand{\entry}[4]{ % \normalsize{\textsc{#1}\textbf{:} % \textsc{#2}} % \textit{\textsc{#3}} \\ % \begin{minipage}[t]{1.2cm} % \ % \end{minipage} % \begin{minipage}[t]{0.7\textwidth} % \small{\textsc{#4}} % \end{minipage} % } % %---------------------------------------| %-Slim-version-of-the-Entry-command---------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Poste occupe % % [3]: Heures par semaine % % [4]: Adresse % % [5]: Téléphone % \newcommand{\slimentry}[5]{ % \begin{minipage}[t]{4.4cm} % \begin{flushright} % \small\textsc{#1} \\ % \footnotesize\textsc{#3} \\ % \end{flushright} % \end{minipage} % \hfill\vline\hfill % \begin{minipage}[t]{.72\textwidth} % \textsc{#2} \\ % \textsc{#4} \\ \textsc{#5} % \end{minipage} % \vspace{.4cm} % } % %-------------------------------------------| %-Slim-version-of-the-Entry-command---------| % [1]: Dates % % [2]: Poste occupe % % [3]: Heures par semaine % % [4]: Adresse % \newcommand{\jobentry}[4]{ % \begin{minipage}[t]{4.3cm} % \begin{flushright} % \small\textsc{#1} \\ % \footnotesize\textsc{#3} \\ % \end{flushright} % \end{minipage} % \hfill\vline\hfill % \begin{minipage}[t]{.71\textwidth} % \textsc{#2} \\ % % \textrm{\footnotesize#4} \\ \textsc{} % \textrm{\footnotesize#4} \\ % 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%}}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % Document {{{ % %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% \begin{document} %-TITLE---------------------------------------------------------------------- \maketitle %-BASIC-INFO--------------------------------------------------------------{{{ % \section{Information générales} \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\linewidth} \begin{tabular}{rp{.75\linewidth}} \baselineskip=20pt \faLocationArrow: & \adressOne \\ \faicon{at}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{mailto:\email}{\email}} \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\linewidth} \begin{tabular}{rl} \faicon{phone}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{tel:\phone}{\phone}} \\ % \faicon{github} : & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{http://github.com/ChausseBenjamin}{github.com/ChausseBenjamin}}\\ \faicon{globe}: & \textcolor{darkred}{\href{https://\website}{\website}} \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \vspace{.3cm} % }}} %-EDUCATION---------------------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Education} \entry{2022 --- 2027}{\textbf{Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering}}{Sherbrooke University}{ } \entry{2021 --- 2021}{ \textbf{Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering}}{ Sherbrooke University}{ 15 credits (Career change) } \entry{2018 --- 2021}{ \textbf{Pure and Applied Sciences}}{ Cégep de Lanaudière à l'Assomption}{} \entry{2012 --- 2017}{ \textbf{DES-SN} --- High School Diploma}{ Collège de l'Assomption}{ Specialization in natural sciences and Enriched English } % }}} %-IMPLICATIONS SOCIALES---------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Social Implication} \jobentry{Sept. 2017 --- Feb. 2018} {Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine and Nepal with Youth With A Mission} { \begin{otherlanguage*}{russian} улица Весенняя, 18-a Naberezhna St, 4, Kyiv, Ukraine \end{otherlanguage*} }{ Provided moral support to families in remote areas, engaged in activities with youth facing difficult circumstances, assisted young children with their homework, painted \& decorated schools in poor condition. } % }}} %-PARCOURS PROFESSIONEL---------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Professional Experience} \vspace{0.2cm} \jobentry{Aug. 2023 --- Dec. 2023} {Viability Study, prototyping of a VDI at Sherbrooke University} {2500 Boulevard de l'Université, Sherbrooke}{ Development of an automated benchmarking tool using Python for comparing the perfor- mance of a virtualized desktop infrastructure (VDI) to the current physical infrastructure. Study of different existing solutions (Proxmox, VMware Horizon, Azure) and their viability as a replacement for the current computer science labs. Development of an automated image deployment for student exams and studies by interfacing current databases with a VDI API using a scheduler written with Quarkus in Java. } \jobentry{ Jun. 2022 --- Aug. 2022} {Computer repairs at \textit{Mr. Robot}} {444 Rue King E, Sherbrooke}{ Problem diagnosis, hardware repair, soldering, software installation, parts ordering and customer service on macBooks, iMacs, Tower PCs, laptops \& phones. } \jobentry{Feb. 2020 --- Aug. 2021} {Beer, Fish, and Grocery Clerk at \textit{Metro Marquis}} {790 Montée de St Sulpice, L'Assomption}{ Provided recommendations to customers based on their preferences and needs, managed inventory, prepared meals \& stored received products. } \jobentry{Jun. 2019 --- Feb. 2020} {Packer and Manufacturing Assistant at \textit{IPEX Inc.}} {905 rue 344, L'Assomption}{ Operated a forklift for storage of finished products, packaged products, and assisted with quality control. } \jobentry{Mar. 2018 --- May 2019} {Fish Clerk at \textit{Metro Marquis}} {790 Montée de St Sulpice, L'Assomption}{ Customer service, dish preparation, and stock management and in-depth cleaning of the premises. } \jobentry{Summer 2017} {Factory Reorganization Assistant at \textit{Triotech, Creators of Fun}} {780 Rue Marion, Joliette}{ Constructed, painted, and stained furniture, crimped \& installed Ethernet cables, and assisted with the relocation of departments. } % \jobentry{Été 2017} % {Caissier au \textit{Resto le l'Assom}} % {339 Blv. l'Ange-Gardien, L'Assomption}{ % Prise de commande de clients et préparation de mets de restauration rapide. % } % }}} %-COMPÉTENCES PARTICULIÈRES----------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Special Skills} \subsubsection{Languages:} French (native), English (fluent bilingual), Spanish (proficient) \subsubsection{Programming Languages:} C, C++, Python, Shell, Go, R, Java, Javascript, PostgreSQL \subsubsection{Operating Systems and Others:} Linux, macOS, Windows, \LaTeX, Markdown, Html, Css, Git, Docker % }}} %-PROJETS PERSONNELS------------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Projects} \subsubsection{Task Visualization Tool} Created a plugin programmed in CoffeeScript and Python3, utilizing the Todoist API to visualize tasks on a computer desktop. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{\textit{Guitar Hero} Clone} Reimplemented the game \textit{Guitar Hero} in C++ using the QT library, employing a remote controller designed with an ArduinoMega microcontroller. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{Markdown to GROFF Conversion Script} Developed a Shell script using \textit{sed} to convert Markdown files to GROFF, enabling orders of magnitude faster live PDF compilation compared to \textit{pandoc}. \vspace{0.2cm} \subsubsection{Contribution to Existing Open-Source Projects} \begin{itemize} \footnotesize \item Implemented keybindings to alter task priorities, added a priority-based color highlighting system to the \textit{todoist.nvim} plugin for the \textit{Neovim} text editor \& ported the documentation \textit{Neovim}’s native format. \\ \url{https://github.com/romgrk/todoist.nvim} \item Added contents to the Dungeons \& Dragons Character Sheet generator \textit{dungeonsheets} (python3). \\ \url{https://github.com/canismarko/dungeon-sheets/pull/151} \item Added my own keyboard layout named \textit{bliss} to the \textit{qmk\_firmware} project (C). \\ \url{https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/hotdox/keymaps/bliss} \item Contributed my own mainmon patch to the dwm window manager (C) to hide information from public facing monitors. \\ \url{https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/mainmon/} \item Contributed my own vertile patch to the dwl window manager (C) to enable vertical tiling (it is a reimplementation of dwms bottomstack patch for wayland). \\ \url{https://github.com/djpohly/dwl/wiki/vertile} \end{itemize} \vspace{0.2cm} %}}} %-PASSIONS ET LOISIRS-----------------------------------------------------{{{ \section{Passions and Hobbies} \subsubsection{Music} Piano, Synthesizer, Trombone, Singing, Composition \subsubsection{Rock Climbing} Indoor bouldering, Outdoor top-rope climbing \subsubsection{Technology} Configuration of a gentoo homelab, PC assembly, Basic soldering % }}} \end{document} % }}}