From d3d4381b296912577550ae1d0310dbc35f7f98cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Benjamin Chausse Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 17:33:24 -0500 Subject: sxhkd housekeeping and debloat --- .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc | 88 ++++++++++++++------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) (limited to '.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc') diff --git a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc index 5e76133..ad116de 100644 --- a/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc +++ b/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ ## Quit dwm super + shift + q dwmc quit +## Quit Current/focused App +super + q + kill -15 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid` ## Toggle the dwm bar super + b dwmc togglebar @@ -108,19 +111,13 @@ super + q ## Change Keyboard Layout alt + Return layouttoggle -## Find your cursor -super + BackSpace - find-cursor -l 4 -c "#66aabb" -s 150 ## Toggle Compositor super + c killall picom || setsid picom -## Toggle Screenkey -super + Insert - killall screenkey || screenkey --bg-color "#222d32" -s small -f "Apercu Mono" -t 1 --font-color "#BABABA" --mods-mode tux ## Open this manual super + alt + shift + h manualgen -## Start colorpicker +## Start colorpicker (Jack12816/colorpicker) super + shift + c colorhandler @@ -131,23 +128,20 @@ super + Return ## Default Browser super + w $BROWSER +## Quickly Search DuckDuckGo +super + shift + w + websearch ## TUI Email Client (neomutt) super + e kill -46 $(pidof dwmblocks) && killall neomutt || $TERMINAL -e neomutt && kill -46 $(pidof dwmblocks) -## TUI calendar (calendar.vim) -super + shift + e - $TERMINAL -t calendar -e nvim -c ":Calendar -view=week -first_day=monday" -## TUI RSS Reader (newsboat) -super + n - killall newsboat || $TERMINAL -e newsboat ; kill -37 $(pidof dwmblocks) #-# Floating Apps/Utilities #-# ## Network Manager XF86WLAN killall nmtui || dropdowntoggle network nmtui -## TUI Audio Mixer (alsamixer) +## TUI Audio Mixer (pulsemixer) super + p - flameshot gui + killall pulsemixer || dropdowntoggle bluetooth pulsemixer ## TODOs (orgmode-nvim) super + space dropdowntoggle orgmode nvim +"Neorg index" @@ -157,32 +151,14 @@ super + a ## Terminal Shell super + shift + a dropdowntoggle shell tmux-shell -## TUI Youtube (youtube-viewer) -super + v - cat ~/.cache/yt-sub | dmenu -p "Query: " | ytfzf -D - -## TUI Hacker News -super + shift + v - killall hacker-news || dropdowntoggle hacker-news tmux-hn -## Webcam -super + shift + w - camtoggle -## Force Start VLC Podcast -super + shift + p - dropdowntoggle Podcast pod-dl #-# Prompts (dmenu) #-# ## Application Launcher -alt + d +super + d j4-dmenu-desktop -## Power Utility -alt + q - sysact -## Quickly Search Google -alt + shift + d - websearch -## Open a bookmark in surf -alt + shift + o - surfmenu +## Display Layout Selector +super + shift + d + displayselect ## Emoji & Font-Awesome Selector alt + grave emoji-copy @@ -192,9 +168,6 @@ alt + {_,shift} + m ## Recording Utility alt + r recordmenu kill || recordmenu -## Preview Fonts -alt + f - fontpreview ## Start SSH session alt + s pickssh @@ -203,17 +176,23 @@ alt + Escape theme="$(ls $HOME/.config/Xresources/ | dmenu)" && cat "$HOME/.config/Xresources/$theme" | xrdb -load #-# PrintScreen Utilities #-# -## Entire Screen +## All displays Print - flamehsot gui + scrot && notify-send -a " Screenshot" "Stitched screenshot completed" ## Current window alt + Print - scrot -q 100 -u -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a Screenshot "Window screenshot completed" + scrot -q 100 -u -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a " Screenshot" "Window screenshot completed" ## Cursor Selection super + Print - scrot -q 100 -s -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a Screenshot "Selection screenshot completed" + scrot -q 100 -s -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a " Screenshot" "Selection screenshot completed" #-# Special Keys #-# +## Control Network Manager +XF86AudioMedia + killall nmtui || dropdowntoggle network nmtui +## Control Bluetooth +shift + XF86AudioMedia + killall bluetuith || dropdowntoggle bluetooth bluetuith ## Increase/decrease Volume {XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86AudioLowerVolume} volumectl 1 {+,-} @@ -226,9 +205,6 @@ shift + XF86AudioLowerVolume ## Mute Audio XF86AudioMute volumectl mute -## Quit Current App -super + q - kill -15 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid` ## Increase/decrease Brightness {XF86MonBrightnessUp, XF86MonBrightnessDown} backlightctl -{i,d} 5 @@ -238,21 +214,6 @@ shift + XF86MonBrightnessUp ## Set Brightness to 5 percent shift + XF86MonBrightnessDown backlightctl -s 0 -## Display Setup Utility (mirror or extend displays) -XF86Display - arandr -## Disable Trackpad -XF86Favorites - trackpadtoggle 0 -## Enable Trackpad -shift + XF86Favorites - trackpadtoggle 1 -## Unmount Devices -shift + XF86Tools - umountmenu -## Mount Devices -XF86Tools - mountmenu #-# Music Controls (using `playerctl`) #-# ## Next/Previous Song (using playerctl) @@ -264,6 +225,3 @@ super + shift + {bracketright, bracketleft} ## Toggle music playback super + backslash playerctl play-pause -# ## Network Manager -# super + shift + n -# killall nmtui || dropdowntoggle network nmtui -- cgit v1.2.3