# _ _ # | (_) # __ _| |_ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ # / _` | | |/ _` / __| '__/ __| # | (_| | | | (_| \__ \ | | (__ # \__,_|_|_|\__,_|___/_| \___| # # # #---Universal Shell Alias Configuration File---# # # First column contains the alias # Second column contains the command to execute |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| | :e | $EDITOR | | :q | exit | | adog | git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph | | cdd | cd .. | | e | $EDITOR | | ew | nvim ./main.rnw | | fp | fontpreview | | fu | fuck | | f | vicd | | g | git | | goobook | goobook -c $HOME/.config/goobook/config | | gor | go run *.go | | info | info --vi-keys | | mmi | make && sudo make install && [ -f config.def.h ] && rm config.h | | op | e main.rnw | | R | R -q | | td | todotxt-machine -c ~/.config/todotxt-machine/config | | tmcd | tmux attach-session -t | | tmdd | tmux kill-session -t | | tmls | tmux list-sessions | | vc | expressvpn connect && dwmbar | | vd | expressvpn disconnect && dwmbar | | vm | expressvpn connect camo && dwmbar | | vpn | expressvpn | | vs | expressvpn connect smart && dwmbar | | xx | chmod +x | | yadog | yadm log --all --decorate --oneline --graph | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|