# _____ _ _ _ # / ____| | | | | \ # | (___ | |__ ___ _ __| |_ ___ _ _| |_ _ __ ___ # \___ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__| __/ __| | | | __| '__/ __\ # ____) | | | | (_) | | | || (__| |_| | |_| | | (__ # |_____/|_| |_|\___/|_| \__\___|\__,_|\__|_| \___\ # # #---Universal Shortcut Configuration File---# # # This file aims to provide a simple way to configure # universal shortcuts for your system. Treat it in the # following way: # - Lines starting with '#' and empty are ignored # - Everything else is treated as a 3 column comma separated csv # - Commas can be escaped with a backslash # - columns 2 and 3 should not contain spaces # Columns are as follows (left to right): # 1. Name of the shortcut (for display purposes in certain programs) # 2. The shortcut itself # 3. The path to the directory # Here are examples of how I use this file with my shell: # - uppercase shortcuts prepended by 'G' are ENV variables to these paths # - lowercase shortcuts prepended by 'g' are aliases to these paths # Here are examples of how I use this file with my file manager (lf): # - lowercase shortcuts prepended by 'g' go to these paths # - lowercase shortcuts prepended by 'y' copies selected files to these paths # - lowercase shortcuts prepended by 'm' moves selected files to these paths Compilation, cp, ~/.local/src Config, cf, ~/.config CV, cv, ~/Dropbox/A/work/Application/CV/current Downloads, dl, ~/Downloads Dropbox, bx, ~/Dropbox Hotkeys, sx, ~/.config/sxhkd Images, img, ~/Dropbox/A/Personnal/Photos/unsorted Neovim, vi, ~/.config/nvim OrgMode, om, ~/Dropbox/org School, sf, ~/Dropbox/A/scholar/sherbrooke/24-05-T2 Scripts, sc, ~/.local/bin Screenshots, ss, ~/Pictures/captures Wallpapers, wp, ~/Pictures/wallpapers Website, ww, ~/Workspace/chausse.xyz WindowManager, wm, ~/.local/src/dwl Workspace, ws, ~/Workspace