# _____ _ _ _ # / ____| | | | | | # | (___ | |__ ___ _ __| |_ ___ _ _| |_ _ __ ___ # \___ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__| __/ __| | | | __| '__/ __| # ____) | | | | (_) | | | || (__| |_| | |_| | | (__ # |_____/|_| |_|\___/|_| \__\___|\__,_|\__|_| \___| # # #---Universal Shortcut Configuration File---# # # First column should have the directory's Label # Second column should contain the shortcut itself # (without the modifier) # Third column should contain the directory itself # (It can contain environmental variables) |----------------+-----+--------------------------------------------------| | Bibliographies | bb | $HOME/Dropbox/A/Scholar/All/References | | Config | cf | $HOME/.config | | Downloads | dl | $HOME/Dropbox/Downloads | | Dropbox | db | $HOME/Dropbox | | Music | ms | $HOME/Music | | Neovim | vi | $HOME/.config/nvim | | Personnal | ps | $HOME/Dropbox/A/Personnal/ | | Wallpapers | wp | $HOME/Dropbox/A/Personnal/Photos/Wallpapers | | RSS | rss | $HOME/.config/newsboat | | Scholar | sf | $HOME/Dropbox/A/Scholar/1-CEGEP/Courses/session5 | | Workspace | ws | $HOME/Workspace | | Scripts | sc | $HOME/.local/bin | | Hotkeys | sx | $HOME/.config/sxhkd | | Images | img | $HOME/Dropbox/A/Personnal/Photos/unsorted | | Compilation | cmp | $HOME/Compilation | |----------------+-----+--------------------------------------------------|