#           _     _       _
#          | |   | |     | |
#  _____  _| |__ | | ____| |
# / __\ \/ / '_ \| |/ / _` |
# \__ \>  <| | | |   < (_| |
# |___/_/\_\_| |_|_|\_\__,_|

# Commands are procedurally added to the manual.

# To do so, for every command, add a line starting
# with `##` which has a generic description of what
# the command does.

# The pdf will associate it with the binding BELOW IT.

# `#` followed by a space will be ignored and treated
# as regular comments.

# `#-#` at the beggining of a line will be converted to
# a header in the manual.

#-# dwm #-#
## Quit dwm
super + shift + q
	dwmc quit
## Toggle the dwm bar
super + b
	dwmc togglebar
## Change layout to {tiling, monocle}
super + {_,shift} t
	dwmc setlayoutex {0,2}
## Change layout to {grid, floating}
super + {_,shift} g
	dwmc setlayoutex {5,1}
## Change layout to {centeredmaster, floatingcenteredmaster}
super + {_,shift} m
	dwmc setlayoutex {3,4}
## Make window fullscreen
super + f
	dwmc fullscreen
## Make current window floating
super + shift + space
	dwmc togglefloating
## Cycle up and down the window stack (change focus)
super + {j,k}
	dwmc focusstack {+,-}1
## Rotate clockwise/counterclockwise the window stack
super + shift + {j,k}
	dwmc rotatestack {+,-}1
## Move current window up/down the stack
super + shift + {h,l}
	dwmc movestack {-,+}1
## Change focus to/swap the master window
super + {_, shift} + s
	dwmc {focusmaster,  zoom}
## Add/Remove windows from the master stack
super + {_,shift} + i
	dwmc incnmaster {+,-}1
## Increase/Decrease master stack width
super + {h,l}
	dwmc setmfact {-,+}0.05
## Toggle view next tag
super + Tab
	dwmc view
## Cycle forward/backward through monitor focus
super + {comma,period}
	dwmc focusmon {-,+}1
## Move current window to previous/next monitor
super + shift + {comma,period}
	dwmc tagmon {-,+}1
## Set the master monitor to be the previous/next monitor
super + alt + {comma,period}
	dwmc setmastermon {-,+}1
## View all tags
super + 0
	dwmc viewall
## Move current window to tag {1-9}
super + shift + {1-9}
	dwmc tagex {0-8}
## Only view the tag {1-9}
super + {1-9}
	dwmc viewex {0-8}
## Toggle the visibility tag {1-9}
super + alt + {1-9}
	dwmc toggleviewex {0-8}
## Toggle (pin/unpin) the current window on tag {1-9}
alt + {1-9}
	dwmc toggletagex {0-8}
## Pin current window to all tags
super + shift + 0
	dwmc tagall
# ## Decrease/increase gaps
# super + {minus, shift + equal}
# 	dwmc setgaps {-,+}1
# ## Set gaps to zero
# super + equal
# 	dwmc setgaps 0

#-#   Miscellaneous #-#
## Lock Screen
super + BackSpace
## Quit Current App
super + q
	kill -15 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid`
## Change Keyboard Layout
alt + Return
## Find your cursor
super + BackSpace
	 find-cursor -l 4 -c "#66aabb" -s 150
## Toggle Compositor
super + c
		killall picom || setsid picom
## Toggle Screenkey
super + Insert
	killall screenkey || screenkey --bg-color "#222d32" -s small -f "Apercu Mono" -t 1 --font-color "#BABABA" --mods-mode tux
## Open this manual
super + alt + shift + h
## Start colorpicker
super + shift + c

#-# Standard Applications #-#
## Terminal window
super + Return
## Default Browser
super + w
## TUI Email Client (neomutt)
super + e
    killall neomutt || $TERMINAL -e neomutt && mw -Y
## TUI calendar (calendar.vim)
super + shift + e
	  $TERMINAL -t calendar -e nvim -c ":Calendar -view=week -first_day=monday"
## TUI RSS Reader (newsboat)
super + n
    killall newsboat || $TERMINAL -e newsboat ; kill -37 $(pidof dwmblocks)

#-#   Floating Apps/Utilities   #-#
## Network Manager
    killall nmtui || dropdowntoggle network nmtui
## TUI Audio Mixer (alsamixer)
super + p
    flameshot gui
## TODOs (Todoist.nvim)
super + space
    dropdowntoggle todoist nvim +Todoist
## Terminal Calculator
super + a
    dropdowntoggle calc tmux-r
## Terminal Shell
super + shift + a
    dropdowntoggle shell tmux-shell
## TUI Youtube (youtube-viewer)
super + v
	cat ~/.cache/yt-sub | dmenu -p "Query: " | ytfzf -D -
## TUI Hacker News
super + shift + v
		killall hacker-news || dropdowntoggle hacker-news tmux-hn
## Webcam
super + shift + w
## Force Start VLC Podcast
super + shift + p
    dropdowntoggle Podcast pod-dl

#-#   Prompts (dmenu)   #-#
## Application Launcher
alt + d
## Power Utility
alt + q
## Quickly Search Google
alt + shift + d
## Open a bookmark in surf
alt + shift + o
## Emoji & Font-Awesome Selector
alt + grave
## Mount/Unmount Devices Utility
alt + {_,shift} + m
    { mountmenu, umountmenu }
## Recording Utility
alt + r
    recordmenu kill || recordmenu
## Preview Fonts
alt + f
## Start SSH session
alt + s
## Select bright or dark .Xresources theme
alt + Escape
	theme="$(ls $HOME/.config/Xresources/ | dmenu)" && cat "$HOME/.config/Xresources/$theme" | xrdb -load

#-#   PrintScreen Utilities   #-#
## Entire Screen
    flamehsot gui
## Current window
alt + Print
    scrot -q 100 -u -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a Screenshot "Window screenshot completed"
## Cursor Selection
super +  Print
    scrot -q 100 -s -z && notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/image.svg" -a Screenshot "Selection screenshot completed"

#-#   Special Keys   #-#
## Increase/decrease Volume
{XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86AudioLowerVolume}
    volumectl 5 {+,-}
## Max-Out Volume
shift + XF86AudioRaiseVolume
    volumectl 100
## Set Volume to 5 percent
shift + XF86AudioLowerVolume
    volumectl 5
## Mute Audio
	 volumectl mute
## Quit Current App
super + q
	kill -15 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid`
## Increase/decrease Brightness
{XF86MonBrightnessUp, XF86MonBrightnessDown}
    xbacklight -time 50 -{inc,dec} 5 && screenstatus
## Max-Out Brightness
shift + XF86MonBrightnessUp
    xbacklight -time 100 -set 100 && screenstatus
## Set Brightness to 5 percent
shift + XF86MonBrightnessDown
    xbacklight -time 100 -set 5 && screenstatus
## Display Setup Utility (mirror or extend displays)
## Disable Trackpad
    trackpadtoggle 0
## Enable Trackpad
shift + XF86Favorites
    trackpadtoggle 1
## Unmount Devices
shift + XF86Tools
## Mount Devices

#-# Music Controls (using `playerctl`) #-#
## Next/Previous Song (using playerctl)
super + {bracketright, bracketleft}
		playerctl {next, previous}
## Higher/Lower music volume (using pla)
super + shift + {bracketright, bracketleft}
		playerctl volume 5 {+, -}
## Toggle music playback
super + backslash
		playerctl play-pause
# ## Network Manager
# super + shift + n
#     killall nmtui || dropdowntoggle network nmtui