#TAG ,NAME IN REPO (or git url) ,PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing) ,xorg-server,"is the graphical server." ,xorg-xwininfo,"allows querying information about windows." ,xorg-xinit,"starts the graphical server." ,xorg-xprop,"is a tool for detecting window properties." ,xorg-xdpyinfo,"aids with resolution determination and screen recording." ,xorg-xbacklight,"enables changing screen brightness levels." ,ttf-linux-libertine,"provides the sans and serif fonts for LARBS." A,spleen-font,"provides a monospaced bitmap font for terminal graphs" A,ttf-brutalist-mono,"is a coding optimised version of the DejaVu Sans Mono font" A,firefox,"is an elegant browser with built-in adblocking tor and other features." ,arandr,"is a UI for screen adjustment." A,picom-rounded-corners,"manages window transparency" A,flashfocus-git,"let's you see which window is currently in focus by making it flash" ,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems." ,libnotify,"allows desktop notifications." ,libnotify,"allows desktop notifications." ,dunst,"is a good notification system." ,exfat-utils,"allows management of FAT drives." ,sxiv,"is a minimalist image viewer." ,xwallpaper,"sets the wallpaper." ,ffmpeg,"can record and splice video and audio on the command line." ,pass,"serves as the system keyring." ,neovim,"is a sensible rewrite of vim with some useful features" ,mpv,"is the patrician's choice video player." ,man,"lets you read man pages" ,newsboat,"is a terminal RSS client." ,ttf-joypixels,"is an emoji font." ,ntfs-3g,"allows accessing NTFS partitions." ,pamixer,"is a command-line audio interface." ,scrot,"can take quick screenshots at your request." ,unclutter,"hides an inactive mouse." ,unrar,"extracts rar's." ,unzip,"unzips zips." ,lynx,"is a terminal browser." ,xcape,"gives the special escape/super mappings" ,xsel,"allows for copying and pasting from the command line." ,xdotool,"provides window action utilities on the command line." ,youtube-dl,"can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link." ,zathura,"is a pdf viewer with vim-like bindings." ,zathura-pdf-mupdf,"allows mupdf pdf compatibility in zathura." ,zathura-ps,"allows PostScript compatibility in zathura." ,zathura-djvu,"allows DejaVu compatibility in zathura." ,highlight,"can highlight code output." ,colorpicker,"is as minimal as it gets for a colorpicker." ,ffmpegthumbnailer,"allows vifm to use ffmpeg to generate thumbnails" A,epub-thumbnailer-git,"allows vifm to have epub file previews" A,fontpreview-git,"is a minimal font previewing utility" ,sxhkd,"manages all of your general keybindings" ,zsh,"is a mighty powerful shell for an end-user" A,zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting,"provides syntax highlighting in the shell." A,task-spooler,"queues commands or files for download." A,mutt-wizard-git,"is a light-weight terminal-based email system." A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,"gives the dark GTK theme used in LARBS." ,acpi,"let's you access battery information" A,yadm,"manages dotfiles" G,git://git.chausse.xyz/dotfiles,"serves as a modular status bar." G,git://git.chausse.xyz/dmenu,"runs commands and provides a UI for selection." G,git://git.chausse.xyz/st,"is my custom build of suckless's terminal emulator." G,git://git.chausse.xyz/dwm,"is the window manager." ,gimp,"let's you edit professional images" ,mlocate,"makes it easy to find files with it's locate command" ,tcc,"compiles C code so fast it puts the GNU C Compiler to shame" ,find-cursor,"makes your cursor flash to help you find it" ,tmux,"runs terminal sessions as background processes to make them more robust" ,python-qrcode,"generates ASCII qr codes" A,ttf-fontawesome,"is a font for amazing professional monochrome icons" ,vlc,"is one of the most complete video/audio player" ,libreoffice-still,"let's you open Office documents when bad people send the to you" ,rsync,"syncs files between computers securely using ssh" ,urlscan,"let's you select urls inside neomutt" ,youtube-viewer,"let's you consoom youtube videos without ever opening a browser" ,neomutt,"is a robust email client inside your terminal" A,muttprint,"let's you print emails directly from mutt" ,vifm,"is a powerful terminal-based file manager written in C" ,gnu-netcat,"is a gateway to an online termbin" ,dash,"is a minimal,wicked fast,POSIX compliant shell" ,pandoc,"is the swiss army knife of file conversion" ,biber,"is a LaTeX citing package which is UTF-8 compatible" ,go,"is a well balanced programming language" ,r,"is a programming language dedicated to statistical computing and data visualisation" ,python,"is a simple-to-use high level programming language" ,python-pip,"is python's package manager" ,python-setuptools,"is python's suite of developpement utilities" ,entr,"let's you run a command whenever a file changes" ,cronie,"is a cronjob manager" ,cups,"is a printing system" ,hplip,"is a collection of hp printer drivers" ,protonmail-bridge-nogui,"let's protonmail users have the email client of their choice via a daemon" A,ueberzug,"is a utility for viewing images from a terminal window" ,youtube-dl,"is a video/audio downloading utility" A,expressvpn,"is one of the OK vpn providers" ,gotop,"is a system resource visualizer" A,pfetch-git,"gives you basic generic info about your system" ,htop,"let's you view and manage system processes from a TUI" ,thefuck,"helps you out when you mistype terminal commands" ,alsa,"manages audio" ,alsa-utils,"is a set of utilities that enhance alsa's usability" ,weechat,"is an over-powered irc client" ,weechat-notify-send,"is an over-powered irc client"