.TH "SFEED_FRAMES" "1" "December 25, 2014" "" "OpenBSD Reference Manual" .nh .if n .ad l .SH "NAME" \fBsfeed_frames\fR \- formats a feeds file to HTML with frames .SH "SYNOPSIS" .HP 13n \fBsfeed_frames\fR [\fIdirectory\ path\fR] .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBsfeed_frames\fR formats a feeds file (TSV) from sfeed_update(1) to HTML. It reads TSV data from stdin and writes HTML to the specified directory. For the exact TSV format see sfeed_update(1). .SH "OPTIONS" .TP 16n \fIdirectory path\fR Path to write files to, default is ".". On success the specified directory will contain the files: .PP .RS 16n .PD 0 .TP 15n \fIindex.html:\fR this is the main HTML file referencing to the frames (items.html and menu.html). .PD .TP 15n \fIitems.html:\fR this contains all the items as HTML links to the local content. .TP 15n \fImenu.html:\fR menu frame which contains navigation "anchor" links to the feed names (in items.html). .PD 0 .PP .RE .PD .SH "FILE STRUCTURE" Directory for each feed category in the format: path/feedname/itemname.html. The feedname and item names are normalized, whitespace characters are replaced with a \-, multiple whitespaces are replaced by a single \- and trailing whitespace will be removed. .SH "SEE ALSO" sfeed_plain(1), sfeed_update(1), sfeed(1) .SH "AUTHORS" Hiltjo Posthuma <\fIhiltjo@codemadness.org\fR>