.TH "SFEED_STATS" "1" "January 3, 2015" "" "General Commands Manual" .nh .if n .ad l .SH "NAME" \fBsfeed_stats\fR \- formats a feeds file to show a summary in plain text .SH "SYNOPSIS" .HP 12n \fBsfeed_stats\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBsfeed_stats\fR formats a feeds file (TSV) from sfeed_update(1) to a summary in plain text containing: the total amount of items, amount of new items, the timestamp of the last item per feed. It reads TSV data from stdin and writes formatted plain text to stdout. For the exact TSV format see sfeed_update(1). .SH "SEE ALSO" sfeed(1), sfeed_update(1) .SH "AUTHORS" Hiltjo Posthuma <\fIhiltjo@codemadness.org\fR>