.TH SFEED 1 sfeed\-VERSION .SH NAME sfeed \- simple RSS and Atom parser .SH SYNOPSIS .B sfeed .SH DESCRIPTION Read XML RSS or Atom feed data from stdin. Write feed data in a tab-separated format to stdout. .SH TAB-SEPARATED FORMAT The items are saved in a TSV-like format except newlines, tabs and backslash are escaped with \\ (\\n, \\t and \\\\). Carriage returns (\\r) are removed. .TP .B item timestamp (unix timestamp in GMT+0) string .TP .B item timestamp (formatted) string (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS tzname[+-]HHMM) .TP .B item title string .TP .B item link string .TP .B item content string .TP .B item contenttype string (html or plain) .TP .B item id string .TP .B item author string .TP .B feed type string (rss or atom) .SH SEE ALSO .BR sh(1) .BR sfeed_update(1) .SH BUGS Please report them!