.TH SFEED 1 sfeed\-0.9 .SH NAME sfeed \- simple RSS and Atom parser .SH SYNOPSIS .B sfeed .SH DESCRIPTION Read XML RSS or Atom feed data from stdin. Write feed data in a tab-separated format to stdout. .SH TAB-SEPARATED FORMAT FIELDS The items are saved in a TSV-like format except newlines, tabs and backslash are escaped with \\ (\\n, \\t and \\\\). Carriage returns (\\r) are removed. .TP .B item timestamp (unix timestamp in GMT+0) string .TP .B item timestamp (formatted) string (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS tzname[+-]HHMM) .TP .B item title string .TP .B item link string .TP .B item content string .TP .B item content\-type string (html or plain) .TP .B item id string .TP .B item author string .TP .B feed type string (rss or atom) .SH SEE ALSO .BR sh(1) .BR sfeed_update(1) .SH BUGS Please report them!