.Dd August 16, 2018 .Dt SFEED_FRAMES 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm sfeed_frames .Nd format feed data to HTML with frames .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Ar file... .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm formats feed data (TSV) from .Xr sfeed 1 to HTML. It reads TSV data from stdin or .Ar file and writes HTML files for the frameset to the current directory. If no .Ar file parameters are specified and therefore the data is read from stdin then the menu.html file is not written. .Sh FILES WRITTEN .Bl -tag -width 13n .It index.html The main HTML file referencing to the frames items.html and menu.html. .It items.html The items frame contains all the item HTML links to the remote content. .It menu.html The menu frame which contains navigation "anchor" links to the feed names in items.html. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr sfeed 1 , .Xr sfeed_html 1 , .Xr sfeed_plain 1 .Sh AUTHORS .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org