.TH SFEED 1 sfeed\-0.9 .SH NAME sfeed_frames \- format feeds file (TSV) from sfeed_update to HTML with frames .SH SYNOPSIS .B sfeed_frames .RB [path] .SH OPTIONS .TP .B [path] Path to write files to, default is ".". On success path will contain the files: index.html which is the main HTML file with the frames, items.html which contains all the items as HTML links to the local content, menu.html which contains navigation anchor links with the feed names (to items.html). .SH FILE STRUCTURE Directory for each feed category in the format: path/feedname/itemname.html. The feedname and item names are normalized, whitespace characters are replaced with a \-, multiple whitespace is replaced by a single \- and trailing whitespace is ignored. .SH DESCRIPTION Format feeds file (TSV) from sfeed_update to HTML. It reads TSV data from stdin and writes HTML to the specified directory. For the exact TSV format see sfeed_update(1). .SH SEE ALSO .BR sfeed_plain(1) .BR sfeed_update(1) .BR sfeed(1) .SH BUGS Please report them!