#include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" static char *line; static size_t linesize; static char host[256], *user, dtimebuf[32], mtimebuf[32]; static int usecontent = 0; /* env variable: $SFEED_MBOX_CONTENT */ static unsigned long long djb2(unsigned char *s, unsigned long long hash) { int c; while ((c = *s++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */ return hash; } /* Unescape / decode fields printed by string_print_encoded() * "\\" to "\", "\t", to TAB, "\n" to newline. Other escape sequences are * ignored: "\z" etc. Mangle "From " in mboxrd style (always prefix >). */ static void printcontent(const char *s, FILE *fp) { escapefrom: for (; *s == '>'; s++) putc('>', fp); /* escape "From ", mboxrd-style. */ if (!strncmp(s, "From ", 5)) putc('>', fp); for (; *s; s++) { switch (*s) { case '\\': if (*(s + 1) == '\0') break; s++; switch (*s) { case 'n': putc('\n', fp); s++; goto escapefrom; case '\\': putc('\\', fp); break; case 't': putc('\t', fp); break; } break; default: putc(*s, fp); break; } } } static void printfeed(FILE *fp, const char *feedname) { char *fields[FieldLast], timebuf[32]; struct tm parsedtm, *tm; time_t parsedtime; unsigned long long hash; ssize_t linelen; int ishtml; while ((linelen = getline(&line, &linesize, fp)) > 0 && !ferror(stdout)) { if (line[linelen - 1] == '\n') line[--linelen] = '\0'; hash = djb2((unsigned char *)line, 5381ULL); parseline(line, fields); /* mbox + mail header */ printf("From MAILER-DAEMON %s\n", mtimebuf); parsedtime = 0; if (!strtotime(fields[FieldUnixTimestamp], &parsedtime) && (tm = gmtime_r(&parsedtime, &parsedtm)) && strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", tm)) { printf("Date: %s\n", timebuf); } else { printf("Date: %s\n", dtimebuf); /* invalid/missing: use current time */ } printf("From: %s \n", fields[FieldAuthor][0] ? fields[FieldAuthor] : feedname); printf("To: %s <%s@%s>\n", user, user, host); printf("Subject: %s\n", fields[FieldTitle]); printf("Message-ID: <%s%s%llu@%s>\n", fields[FieldUnixTimestamp], fields[FieldUnixTimestamp][0] ? "." : "", hash, feedname); ishtml = usecontent && !strcmp(fields[FieldContentType], "html"); if (ishtml) fputs("Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"\n", stdout); else fputs("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"\n", stdout); fputs("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n", stdout); printf("X-Feedname: %s\n", feedname); fputs("\n", stdout); if (ishtml) { fputs("

\n", stdout); if (fields[FieldLink][0]) { fputs("Link: ", stdout); xmlencode(fields[FieldLink], stdout); fputs("
\n", stdout); } if (fields[FieldEnclosure][0]) { fputs("Enclosure: ", stdout); xmlencode(fields[FieldEnclosure], stdout); fputs("
\n", stdout); } fputs("

\n", stdout); } else { if (fields[FieldLink][0]) printf("Link: %s\n", fields[FieldLink]); if (fields[FieldEnclosure][0]) printf("Enclosure: %s\n", fields[FieldEnclosure]); } if (usecontent) { fputs("\n", stdout); if (ishtml && fields[FieldLink][0]) { fputs("\n", stdout); } printcontent(fields[FieldContent], stdout); } fputs("\n\n", stdout); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tm tmnow; time_t now; FILE *fp; char *name, *tmp; int i; if (pledge(argc == 1 ? "stdio" : "stdio rpath", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); if ((tmp = getenv("SFEED_MBOX_CONTENT"))) usecontent = !strcmp(tmp, "1"); if (!(user = getenv("USER"))) user = "you"; if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) == -1) err(1, "gethostname"); if ((now = time(NULL)) == (time_t)-1) errx(1, "time"); if (!gmtime_r(&now, &tmnow)) err(1, "gmtime_r: can't get current time"); if (!strftime(mtimebuf, sizeof(mtimebuf), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &tmnow)) errx(1, "strftime: can't format current time"); if (!strftime(dtimebuf, sizeof(dtimebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", &tmnow)) errx(1, "strftime: can't format current time"); if (argc == 1) { printfeed(stdin, ""); checkfileerror(stdin, "", 'r'); } else { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!(fp = fopen(argv[i], "r"))) err(1, "fopen: %s", argv[i]); name = ((name = strrchr(argv[i], '/'))) ? name + 1 : argv[i]; printfeed(fp, name); checkfileerror(fp, argv[i], 'r'); checkfileerror(stdout, "", 'w'); fclose(fp); } } checkfileerror(stdout, "", 'w'); return 0; }