.Dd December 25, 2014 .Dt SFEED_UPDATE 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm sfeed_update .Nd update feeds and merge with old feeds .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Ar configfile .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm updates feeds and merges the new data with the previous feeds. This is the file $HOME/.sfeed/feeds by default. .Sh OPTIONS .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar configfile config file, if not specified uses the location $HOME/.sfeed/sfeedrc by default see the .Sx FILES READ section for more information. .Sh TAB-SEPARATED FORMAT FIELDS .Pp The items are saved in a TSV-like format except newlines, tabs and backslash are escaped with \\ (\\n, \\t and \\\\). Carriage returns (\\r) are removed. .Pp The order and format of the fields are: .Pp .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar item timestamp string, UNIX timestamp in GMT+0 .It Ar item timestamp string, date and time in the format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS tzname[+-]HHMM .It Ar item title string .It Ar item link string .It Ar item content string .It Ar item content\-type string, "html" or "plain" .It Ar item id string .It Ar item author string .It Ar feed type string, "rss" or "atom" .Sh EXTRA FIELDS .Pp Extra fields added by sfeed_update: .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar feed name string .It Ar feed url string .It Ar item baseurl site string .Sh FILES READ .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar sfeedrc Config file, see the sfeedrc.example file for an example. This file is evaluated as a shellscript in sfeed_update. You can for example override the fetchfeed() function to use wget, fetch or an other download program or you can override the merge() function to change the merge logic. The function feeds() is called to fetch the feeds. By default the function feed() is executed as a parallel job to speedup updating. .Sh FILES WRITTEN .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar feeds Tab-separated format containing all feeds. The sfeed_update script merges new items with this file. .It Ar feeds.new Temporary file used by sfeed_update to merge items. .Sh EXAMPLES .Pp To update feeds and format the feeds file: .Bd -literal sfeed_update "configfile" sfeed_plain < $HOME/.sfeed/feeds > $HOME/.sfeed/feeds.txt sfeed_html < $HOME/.sfeed/feeds > $HOME/.sfeed/feeds.html .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr sh 1 , .Xr sfeed_plain 1 , .Xr sfeed_html 1 .Sh AUTHORS .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org