.Dd January 25, 2019 .Dt SFEED_UPDATE 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm sfeed_update .Nd update feeds and merge with old feeds .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Ar sfeedrc .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm updates feeds files and merges the new data with the previous files. These are the files in the directory .Pa $HOME/.sfeed/feeds by default. .Sh OPTIONS .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar sfeedrc Config file, if not specified uses the path .Pa $HOME/.sfeed/sfeedrc by default. See the .Sx FILES READ section for more information. .El .Sh FILES READ .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Ar sfeedrc Config file, see the sfeedrc.example file for an example. This file is evaluated as a shellscript in .Nm . .Pp Atleast the following functions can be overridden per feed: .Bl -tag -width 17n .It Fn fetch to use .Xr wget 1 , OpenBSD .Xr ftp 1 or an other download program. .It Fn merge to change the merge logic. .It Fn filter to filter on fields. .It Fn order to change the sort order. .El .Pp The .Fn feeds function is called to process the feeds. The default .Fn feed function is executed concurrently as a background job in your .Xr sfeedrc 5 config file to make updating faster. The variable .Va maxjobs can be changed to limit or increase the amount of concurrent jobs (8 by default). .El .Sh FILES WRITTEN .Bl -tag -width 17n .It feedname TAB-separated format containing all items per feed. The .Nm script merges new items with this file. .It feedname.new Temporary file used by .Nm to merge items. .El .Sh EXAMPLES To update your feeds and format them in various formats: .Bd -literal # Update sfeed_update "configfile" # Plain-text list sfeed_plain $HOME/.sfeed/feeds/* > $HOME/.sfeed/feeds.txt # HTML sfeed_html $HOME/.sfeed/feeds/* > $HOME/.sfeed/feeds.html # HTML with frames mkdir -p somedir && cd somedir && sfeed_frames $HOME/.sfeed/feeds/* .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr sfeed 1 , .Xr sfeed_html 1 , .Xr sfeed_plain 1 , .Xr sh 1 , .Xr sfeedrc 5 .Sh AUTHORS .An Hiltjo Posthuma Aq Mt hiltjo@codemadness.org