#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" static void encodehex(unsigned char c, char *s) { static const char *table = "0123456789ABCDEF"; s[0] = table[((c - (c % 16)) / 16) % 16]; s[1] = table[c % 16]; } int parseuri(const char *s, struct uri *u, int rel) { const char *p = s; size_t i; memset(u, 0, sizeof(struct uri)); if (!*s) return 0; /* prefix is "//", don't read protocol, skip to domain parsing */ if (!strncmp(p, "//", 2)) { p += 2; /* skip "//" */ } else { /* protocol part */ for (p = s; *p && (isalpha((int)*p) || isdigit((int)*p) || *p == '+' || *p == '-' || *p == '.'); p++) ; if (!strncmp(p, "://", 3)) { if (p - s + 1 >= (ssize_t)sizeof(u->proto)) return -1; /* protocol too long */ memcpy(u->proto, s, p - s); p += 3; /* skip "://" */ } else { p = s; /* no protocol format, set to start */ /* relative url: read rest as path, else as domain */ if (rel) goto readpath; } } /* domain / host part, skip until "/" or end. */ i = strcspn(p, "/"); if (i + 1 >= sizeof(u->host)) return -1; /* host too long */ memcpy(u->host, p, i); p = &p[i]; readpath: if (u->host[0]) { p = &p[strspn(p, "/")]; strlcpy(u->path, "/", sizeof(u->path)); } else { /* having no host is an error in this case */ if (!rel) return -1; } /* treat truncation as an error */ return strlcat(u->path, p, sizeof(u->path)) >= sizeof(u->path) ? -1 : 0; } /* Get absolute uri; if `link` is relative use `base` to make it absolute. * the returned string in `buf` is uri encoded, see: encodeuri(). */ int absuri(const char *link, const char *base, char *buf, size_t bufsiz) { struct uri ulink, ubase; char tmp[4096] = "", *p; int r = -1, c; size_t i; buf[0] = '\0'; if (parseuri(base, &ubase, 0) == -1 || parseuri(link, &ulink, 1) == -1) return -1; if (!ulink.host[0] && !ubase.host[0]) return -1; r = snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s://%s", ulink.proto[0] ? ulink.proto : (ubase.proto[0] ? ubase.proto : "http"), !strncmp(link, "//", 2) ? ulink.host : (ulink.host[0] ? ulink.host : ubase.host)); if (r == -1 || (size_t)r >= sizeof(tmp)) return -1; /* relative to root */ if (!ulink.host[0] && ulink.path[0] != '/') { /* relative to base url path */ if (ulink.path[0]) { if ((p = strrchr(ubase.path, '/'))) { /* temporary null-terminate */ c = *(++p); *p = '\0'; i = strlcat(tmp, ubase.path, sizeof(tmp)); *p = c; /* restore */ if (i >= sizeof(tmp)) return -1; } } else { if (strlcat(tmp, ubase.path, sizeof(tmp)) >= sizeof(tmp)) return -1; } } if (strlcat(tmp, ulink.path, sizeof(tmp)) >= sizeof(tmp)) return -1; return encodeuri(tmp, buf, bufsiz); } int encodeuri(const char *s, char *buf, size_t bufsiz) { size_t i, b; if (!bufsiz) return -1; for (i = 0, b = 0; s[i]; i++) { if ((int)s[i] == ' ' || (unsigned char)s[i] > 127 || iscntrl((int)s[i])) { if (b + 3 >= bufsiz) return -1; buf[b++] = '%'; encodehex(s[i], &buf[b]); b += 2; } else { if (b >= bufsiz) return -1; buf[b++] = s[i]; } } if (b >= bufsiz) return -1; buf[b] = '\0'; return 0; } /* Read a field-separated line from 'fp', * separated by a character 'separator', * 'fields' is a list of pointers with a size of FieldLast (must be >0). * 'line' buffer is allocated using malloc, 'size' will contain the allocated * buffer size. * returns: amount of fields read (>0) or -1 on error. */ ssize_t parseline(char **line, size_t *size, char *fields[FieldLast], FILE *fp) { char *prev, *s; size_t i; if (getline(line, size, fp) <= 0) return -1; for (prev = *line, i = 0; (s = strchr(prev, '\t')) && i < FieldLast - 1; i++) { *s = '\0'; fields[i] = prev; prev = s + 1; } fields[i++] = prev; /* make non-parsed fields empty. */ for (; i < FieldLast; i++) fields[i] = ""; return (ssize_t)i; } /* Parse time to time_t, assumes time_t is signed. */ int strtotime(const char *s, time_t *t) { long l; errno = 0; l = strtol(s, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) return -1; if (t) *t = (time_t)l; return 0; } /* Escape characters below as HTML 2.0 / XML 1.0. */ void xmlencode(const char *s, FILE *fp) { for (; *s; s++) { switch(*s) { case '<': fputs("<", fp); break; case '>': fputs(">", fp); break; case '\'': fputs("'", fp); break; case '&': fputs("&", fp); break; case '"': fputs(""", fp); break; default: fputc(*s, fp); } } } /* Some implementations of basename(3) return a pointer to a static * internal buffer (OpenBSD). Others modify the contents of `path` (POSIX). * This is a wrapper function that is compatible with both versions. * The program will error out if basename(3) failed, this can only happen * with the OpenBSD version. */ char * xbasename(const char *path) { char *p, *b; if (!(p = strdup(path))) err(1, "strdup"); if (!(b = basename(p))) err(1, "basename"); if (!(b = strdup(b))) err(1, "strdup"); free(p); return b; }