.TH siXKCD 1 "June 2024" "1.0" "siXKCD Manual" .SH NAME siXKCD \- Sixel viewer/fetcher for XKCD Comics .SH SYNOPSIS .B siXKCD [\fBglobal options\fR] \fBcommand\fR [\fBcommand options\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B siXKCD is a tool to view and fetch XKCD comics in sixel format. .SH AUTHOR .B Benjamin Chausse .br .SH COMMANDS .TP .B help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command. .SH GLOBAL OPTIONS .TP .BR \-\-id\ ID ,\ \-i\ ID Specify which comic ID to fetch. A value of 0 will fetch the latest comic (default: random). .TP .BR \-\-raw ,\ \-r Output only the sixel image without the title or the alternate caption. (default: false) .TP .BR \-\-help ,\ \-h Show help.