#!/bin/sh # Using external pipe with st, give a dmenu prompt of recent commands, # allowing the user to copy the output of one. # xclip required for this script. # By Jaywalker and Luke tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/st-cmd-output.XXXXXX) trap 'rm "$tmpfile"' 0 1 15 sed -n "w $tmpfile" ps1="$(grep "\S" "$tmpfile" | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1)" chosen="$(grep -F "$ps1" "$tmpfile" | sed '$ d' | tac | dmenu -p "Copy which command's output?" -i -l 10 | sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g')" eps1="$(echo "$ps1" | sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g')" snippet=$(awk "/^$chosen$/{p=1;print;next} p&&/$eps1/{p=0};p" "$tmpfile" | sed "s/π\ sudo/#/; s/π/\$/; s/(master)//; s/\[sudo\].*$//") method=$(printf "Plain\nMarkdown\nArch Forums\nLaTeX" | dmenu -p "What formating do you want?" -i -l 10) # awk "/^$chosen$/{p=1;print;next} p&&/$eps1/{p=0};p" "$tmpfile" | sxel -b texbreak='\' case "$method" in *Markdown*) notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/paste.svg" -a Clipboard "Copied entry with Markdown formating." && printf "\`\`\`\n$snippet\n\`\`\`" | xsel -b ;; *Arch*) notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/paste.svg" -a Clipboard "Copied entry with Arch Forums formating." && printf "[code]\n$snippet\n[/code]" | xsel -b ;; *TeX*) notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/paste.svg" -a Clipboard "Copied entry with LaTeX formating." && printf "\\\begin{verbatim}\n$snippet\n\\\end{verbatim}" | xsel -b ;; *) notify-send -i "$HOME/.fonts/svg/paste.svg" -a Clipboard "Copied entry with plain formating." && printf "$snippet" | xsel -b ;; esac