# Termpicker A simple Color Picker Designed for your Terminal This is very much a work in progress, but the end goal is to be able to generate and copy colors from the terminal. Here is a quick demo of what has been done so far:
Termpicker Demo
Here is my roadmap to reach what I would consider a finished state: - [ ] Add a "cmd" mode to manually input colors - [ ] Allow to pass a starting color as an argument when launching the program - [ ] Make the tabs interface prettier with [lipgloss][1] (similar to tabs in [soft-serve][2]) - [ ] Notify user of successful copy to clipboard (or failure) - [ ] Unit-test color conversions near edge case colors - [ ] Warn the user if the terminal is too small (and refuse to render) - [x] Add a [help bubble][3] at the bottom of the interface to show available keybindings - [x] Add Box-drawing to the picker and the previewer - [x] Implement copying to clipboard for various formats (rgb, hex, hsl, cymk, etc...) - [X] Make sliders reach the correct length on init/tab without pressing `j`,`k` - [x] Make the preview windows prettier (perhaps same width as the sliders) [1]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/lipgloss [2]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve [3]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbles#help