path: root/.local/bin/dwmbar
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Diffstat (limited to '.local/bin/dwmbar')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/.local/bin/dwmbar/dwmb-battery b/.local/bin/dwmbar/dwmb-battery
index 2062468..d5a293d 100755
--- a/.local/bin/dwmbar/dwmb-battery
+++ b/.local/bin/dwmbar/dwmb-battery
@@ -1,29 +1,47 @@
-# Prints all batteries, their percentage remaining and an emoji corresponding
-# to charge status.
-case $BLOCK_BUTTON in
-3) notify-send " Battery module" " : discharging
- : charging
-󰚦 : not charging
- : charged
- : discharging
- : battery very low!" ;;
+# Usage:
+# This script prints a battery icon and percentage charge.
+# If charging, it will show a charging icon instead of a battery
+# By default, it will show the first battery found.
+# If you have multiple batteries, you can specify the battery as an argument to this script.
+# Example:
+# $ dwmb-battery BAT1
+# 󱐋 86%
+#  00-19%
+#  20-39%
+#  40-59%
+#  60-79%
+#  80-100%
+# 󱐋 or  charging
+[ -z "$1" ] && bat=$(echo /sys/class/power_supply/BAT* | head -n 1) ||
+ bat=/sys/class/power_supply/"$1"
-# acpi alternative
-# acpi | sed "s/Battery [0-9]: //;s/[Dd]ischarging, / /;s/[Nn]ot charging, / /;s/[Cc]harging, / /;s/[Uu]nknown, /♻️/;s/[Ff]ull, / /;s/ \(remaining\|until charged\)//"; exit
+[ ! -d "$bat" ] && echo "No battery found." && exit 1
-# Loop through all attached batteries.
-for battery in /sys/class/power_supply/BAT?; do
- # Get its remaining capacity and charge status.
- capacity=$(cat "$battery"/capacity 2>/dev/null) || break
- status=$(sed "s/[Dd]ischarging/ /;s/[Nn]ot charging/󰚦 /;s/[Cc]harging/ /;s/[Uu]nknown/ /;s/[Ff]ull/ /" "$battery"/status)
+status=$(cat "$bat"/status)
+capacity=$(cat "$bat"/capacity)
+# for debugging, $2 is the percentage to print
+[ -n "$2" ] && capacity=$2
+case "$status" in
+Charging) icon="󱐋 " ;;
+*) icon="" ;;
- # If it is discharging and 25% or less, we will add a  as a warning.
- [ "$capacity" -le 25 ] && [ "$status" = " " ] && warn=" "
+# If the battery is not charging, evaluate its current charge and print an icon accordingly
+[ -z "$icon" ] &&
+ case "$capacity" in
+ [0-9] | [0-1][0-9]) icon=" " ;;
+ [2-3][0-9]) icon=" " ;;
+ [4-5][0-9]) icon=" " ;;
+ [6-7][0-9]) icon=" " ;;
+ [8-9][0-9] | 100) icon=" " ;;
+ esac
- printf "%s%s%s%%" " $status" "$warn" "$capacity"
- unset warn
-done | sed 's/ *$//'
+printf " %s%s%%" "$icon" "$capacity"