path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a2e209b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Packages for my build
+# Fonts
+nerd-fonts-complete # Cause you want those nerdy icons everywhere
+# Desktop Environment
+i3-gaps-rounded-git # i3-gaps, but with rounded corner goodness
+polybar # Universal WM statusbar
+nitrogen # Wallpaper manager
+lightdm # Screen Lock
+compton # The good compositor
+rofi # Cooler dmenu
+# File viewers
+sxiv # Simple X Image viewer
+mpv # Minimal player for videos
+zathura # Document viewer base
+zathura-ps # Adds PostScript to zathura
+zathura-pdf-mupdf # Adds pdf to zathura
+zathura-djvu # Adds Deja-Vu to zathura
+# File Editors (Not necessarily text)
+neovim # The real text editor
+ffmpeg # Edit and convert video and audio
+gimp # GNU Image Manipulation Program
+libreoffice-still # For those pesky word documents
+# Utilities
+tmux # Terminal multiplexer (Run terminal windows as background processes)
+lolcat # Taste the rainbow
+cowsay # Cause you want a talking cow on your system
+mutt-wizard-git # A true wizard for configuring neomutt
+firefox # The sensible web browser
+tmatrix-git # For when you have that matrix vibe
+neomutt # New mutt email browser
+newsboat # RSS manager
+ncmpcpp # A genuinely good music player
+spotify-tui # Tui client for spotify (requires th gui)
+ranger # Beautiful file manager with image preview
+mps-youtube # Youtube TUI
+# Languages
+go # What the cool kids use
+r # When scientific data matters to you
+python # Good ol' python
+dash # bash, but less bloated
+zsh # The superior shell
+# Markdown Utilities
+texlive-core # The Core of LaTeX
+biber # UTF-8 capable alternative to bibtex
+pandoc # Swiss army knife of document conversion and compilation
+# Daemons and others
+mpd # Music player daemon
+entr # Execute stuff when files change
+cronie # Run cron jobs (automated redular tasks)
+hplip # HP Printers Configurator
+cups # Another Printing Dependency
+base-devel # Get all the makepkg and sudo goodness
+protonmail-bridge # Daemon for ProtonMail
+python-ueberzug # View images in terminal applications
+dropbox # Because my life is on dropbox
+xsel # Clipboard manager
+networkmanager # You can read dude...
+network-manager-applet # Network Manager Applet
+youtube-dl # Download youtube videos
+id3v2 # Tag editor for music
+kdeconnect # Android phone just love linux connectivity