diff options
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 6a718a9..375aa51 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ finalize(){ \
### This is how everything happens in an intuitive format and order.
# Check if user is root on Arch distro. Install dialog.
-installpkg dialog || error "Are you sure you're running this as the root user and have an internet connection?"
+installpkg dialog || error "Are you sure you're running this as the root user and have an internet connection?"
# Welcome user and pick dotfiles.
welcomemsg || error "User exited."
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ adduserandpass || error "Error adding username and/or password."
# Refresh Arch keyrings.
# refreshkeys || error "Error automatically refreshing Arch keyring. Consider doing so manually."
-dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`basedevel\` and \`git\` for installing other software." 5 70
+dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`basedevel\` and \`git\` for installing other software required for the installation of other programs." 5 70
installpkg curl
installpkg base-devel
installpkg git
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ installpkg git
newperms "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
# Make pacman and yay colorful and adds eye candy on the progress bar because why not.
-grep "^Color" /etc/pacman.conf >/dev/null || sed -i "s/^#Color/Color/" /etc/pacman.conf
+grep "^Color" /etc/pacman.conf >/dev/null || sed -i "s/^#Color$/Color/" /etc/pacman.conf
grep "ILoveCandy" /etc/pacman.conf >/dev/null || sed -i "/#VerbosePkgLists/a ILoveCandy" /etc/pacman.conf
# Use all cores for compilation.