diff options
authorHiltjo Posthuma <>2022-01-06 12:30:45 +0100
committerHiltjo Posthuma <>2022-01-06 12:30:45 +0100
commitf25a3e56e4b8d760469c120a22297f74961c22f3 (patch)
parente158bec62365732c0c5d54fa785e34470d56c9f6 (diff)
README: add sfeed_download example, parallel downloader/extractor
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index fea2da8..bdfbc1f 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -735,6 +735,124 @@ sfeed_update_xargs shellscript:
- - -
+Shellscript to handle URLs and enclosures in parallel using xargs -P.
+This can be used to download and process URLs for downloading podcasts,
+webcomics, download and convert webpages, mirror videos, etc. It uses a
+plain-text cache file for remembering processed URLs. The match patterns are
+defined in the fetch() function and in the awk script and can be modified to
+handle items differently depending on their context. The arguments for the
+scripts are stdin or files in the sfeed(5) format.
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # sfeed_download: Downloader for URLs and enclosures in feed files.
+ # Dependencies: awk, curl, flock, xargs (-P), youtube-dl.
+ cachefile="${SFEED_CACHEFILE:-$HOME/.sfeed/downloaded_urls}"
+ jobs="${SFEED_JOBS:-4}"
+ lockfile="${HOME}/.sfeed/sfeed_download.lock"
+ # log(feedname, s, status)
+ log() {
+ if [ "$1" != "-" ]; then
+ s="[$1] $2"
+ else
+ s="$2"
+ fi
+ printf '[%s]: %s: %s\n' "$(date +'%H:%M:%S')" "${s}" "$3" >&2
+ }
+ # fetch(url, feedname)
+ fetch() {
+ case "$1" in
+ **)
+ youtube-dl "$1";;
+ *.flac|*.ogg|*.m3u|*.m3u8|*.m4a|*.mkv|*.mp3|*.mp4|*.wav|*.webm)
+ # allow 2 redirects, hide User-Agent, connect timeout is 15 seconds.
+ curl -O -L --max-redirs 2 -H "User-Agent:" -f -s --connect-timeout 15 "$1";;
+ esac
+ }
+ # downloader(url, title, feedname)
+ downloader() {
+ url="$1"
+ title="$2"
+ feedname="${3##*/}"
+ msg="${title}: ${url}"
+ # download directory.
+ if [ "${feedname}" != "-" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${feedname}"
+ if ! cd "${feedname}"; then
+ log "${feedname}" "${msg}: ${feedname}" "DIR FAIL"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ log "${feedname}" "${msg}" "START"
+ fetch "${url}" "${feedname}"
+ if [ $? = 0 ]; then
+ log "${feedname}" "${msg}" "OK"
+ # append it safely in parallel to the cachefile on a
+ # successful download.
+ (flock 9 || exit 1
+ printf '%s\n' "${url}" >> "${cachefile}"
+ ) 9>"${lockfile}"
+ else
+ log "${feedname}" "${msg}" "FAIL"
+ fi
+ }
+ if [ "${SFEED_DOWNLOAD_CHILD}" = "1" ]; then
+ # Downloader helper for parallel downloading.
+ # Receives arguments: $1 = URL, $2 = title, $3 = feed filename or "-".
+ # It should write the URI to the cachefile if it is succesful.
+ downloader "$1" "$2" "$3"
+ exit $?
+ fi
+ # ...else parent mode:
+ tmp=$(mktemp)
+ trap "rm -f ${tmp}" EXIT
+ [ -f "${cachefile}" ] || touch "${cachefile}"
+ cat "${cachefile}" > "${tmp}"
+ echo >> "${tmp}" # force it to have one line for awk.
+ LC_ALL=C awk -F '\t' '
+ # fast prefilter what to download or not.
+ function filter(url, field, feedname) {
+ u = tolower(url);
+ return (match(u, "youtube\\.com") ||
+ match(u, "\\.(flac|ogg|m3u|m3u8|m4a|mkv|mp3|mp4|wav|webm)$"));
+ }
+ function download(url, field, title, filename) {
+ if (!length(url) || urls[url] || !filter(url, field, filename))
+ return;
+ # NUL-separated for xargs -0.
+ printf("%s%c%s%c%s%c", url, 0, title, 0, filename, 0);
+ urls[url] = 1; # print once
+ }
+ {
+ FILENR += (FNR == 1);
+ }
+ # lookup table from cachefile which contains downloaded URLs.
+ FILENR == 1 {
+ urls[$0] = 1;
+ }
+ # feed file(s).
+ FILENR != 1 {
+ download($3, 3, $2, FILENAME); # link
+ download($8, 8, $2, FILENAME); # enclosure
+ }
+ ' "${tmp}" "${@:--}" | \
+ SFEED_DOWNLOAD_CHILD="1" xargs -r -0 -L 3 -P "${jobs}" "$(readlink -f "$0")"
+- - -
Shellscript to export existing newsboat cached items from sqlite3 to the sfeed
TSV format.